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  • From time to time this website may feature content related to the law and legal developments. Such content is intended to provide general guidance only and should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice in relation to your particular circumstances.
  • Werksmans Incorporated has its offices in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Stellenbosch and Tygervalley, and alliances with law firms outside South Africa. However, content related to the law and legal developments featured on this Web site is based upon the laws of South Africa unless otherwise expressly stated.
  • From time to time this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided in order to enhance the interest of other featured content and are not intended to signify that Werksmans Incorporated endorses or otherwise has any responsibility for the content of the linked website.
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  • Werksmans Incorporated is regulated by the Law Society of South Africa and authorised by the Society to conduct investment business. A list of the directors’ names and their professional qualifications is available for inspection at the above office. The directors are solicitors or registered foreign attorneys.