We advised Mr Symington, in his capacity as an expert in pension fund law. He authored a memorandum which confirmed the lawfulness of an early retirement in respect of a high ranking official whith in SARS. This memorandum was purposefully concealed by both the erstwhile commissioner of SARS and lawenforcement which led to the attempted prosecution of Minister Pravin Gordan and 2 others. Mr Symington was held hostage at SARS by inter alia law enforcement when it transpired that his opinion existed and that it had been purposefully withheld from the prosecutoruial authorities. The existence of fthis opinion led to the withdrawal of the criminal prosecution and Mr Symingtons exposure to malicious disciplinary proceedings instituted by the erstwhile commissioner of SARS. Upon President Ramaphosa’s suspension of the erstwhile commissioner of SARS, SARS agreed to withdraw the malicious proceedings which was made an order of court and SARS in turn consented to paying Mr Symington’s legal; costs.