Global awareness of sustainability issues has grown strongly given the impact these issues have on climate change and economies.

As a result, sustainability has been thrust into the spotlight as an integral part of corporate strategic decision-making. No longer can decision makers focus primarily on strong financial outcomes – today’s investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders want long-term value creation through socially desirable activities with socially desirable outcomes, evaluated in an objective and transparent way.

Participants in the financial sector have already started taking steps to support low-carbon economies by providing, among other things, sustainability guidelines and sustainable finance. Areas that are being considered more carefully than ever before are climate change and resource efficiency, human rights and community engagement, antibribery and corruption, transparency and disclosure and product governance and risk management.

Our multidisciplinary team of highly experienced lawyers is able to support clients across all sectors in achieving their sustainability goals and in sustainability-related matters. The aim is to ensure comprehensive sustainability management and the implementation of net zero strategies, as well as to identify risks and obligations such as reporting disclosures and due diligence requirements, so as to avoid litigation, disputes and reputational risks.

We adopt a holistic approach and have a strong understanding of the opportunities and possible threats stemming from the focus on sustainability.

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