Advised / Represented / Acted on behalf of:
- General Motors / Isuzu as local counsel in the due diligence relating to the sale by General Motors SA (Pty) Ltd of its Isuzu light commercial vehicle business. He undertook and oversaw the entire Employment Law and Occupational Health and Safety Due Diligence
- PRASA Metrorail in its successful challenge to the dispute raised by its former Senior Financial Manager when he challenged his dismissal at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (Cape Town). The matter related to his alleged failure to comply with the provisions of PRASA's Procurement Policy, the PFMA and directives issued by the South African National Treasury
- Environmental Resource Management Services when it embarked on a restructuring of its operations. He provided advice on all aspects of same including the process to be followed and the restructuring agreements which were concluded with certain employees in terms of which they would exit the business voluntarily. He advised on all aspects of said negotiations, participated in same and prepared all the exit agreements [text]
- EY in regard to one of their client's disputes with the head of its South African operations. He advised EY on and managed the performance management process and ultimate termination of employment of the employee on agreed terms. He also advised on the removal of the employee as a director of the South African operations.
- PwC in relation to the Vrystaat Munisipale Pensioenfonds ("Find") of which PwC was the curator following financial irregularities by the principal member.
- Steinhoff International Holdings on a range of employment law matters relating to the removal of executives following on accounting irregularities and the transfer of employees from client to other entities.
- Astron Energy in respect of a wide-range of employment law matters and litigation, ranging from restructuring exercises to wage exemption applications to Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court litigation.