News / E-Bulletin
Tourism Relief Fund
Apr 8,2020
by Jacques van Wyk, Director; Andre van Heerden, Senior Associate; Michiel Heyns, Senior Associate; and Nasheetah Smith, Senior Associate
The Department of Tourism has introduced a Tourism Relief Fund (“Fund”) for SMME’s in the tourism sector. Importantly, this Fund is in addition to the Temporary Employee / Employer Relief Fund, Debt Finance Relief Scheme for SMME’s and Business Growth / Resilience Facility for SMME’s.
Qualifying employers can now apply for a once off capped grant. The maximum grant that may be awarded to an entity is R50, 000. The fund will be guided by the Tourism Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice in line with the objectives of economic transformation. Grant funding can be utilised to subsidise expenses towards fixed costs, operational costs, supplies and other pressure cost items.
Categories eligible to apply to the Fund include:
(a) Accommodation establishments: Hotels, Lodges, Bed and Breakfast (B&B’s), Guest Houses and Backpackers;
(b) Hospitality and related services: Restaurants (not attached to hotels); Conference venues (not attached to hotels); Professional catering; and Attractions; and
(c) Travel and related services: Tour operators; Travel agents; Tourist guiding; Car rental companies; and Coach Operators.
The following activities do not qualify for the Fund:
(a) Fast food and take away restaurants, nightclubs, bars, gaming and gambling venues;
(b) Franchised restaurants and those attached to tourism facilities; and (c)Establishments wholly or partially owned by Government will not be considered.
Eligible entities must meet specified qualifying criteria and apply to the Fund in accordance with the set procedure. Further information can be obtained here. Importantly, applications for the Fund will close at midnight on 31 May 2020. Should you have any questions or require any assistance applying to the Fund please feel do not hesitate to contact us.